very delayed home education update

 We delayed this update because I was still traveling to Vilnius to support my little family here - there was a traditional 40 days celebration of life and end of the mourning period and I had to stay with my family. Then there was family, Ana's therapy sessions and many other events, so I had no time to write this update. 


x We looked through exam paper and did a revision of some of the mistakes she made

x We focused on percentages this time, Ana did this paper: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

x Reading material: also 

x she also did quizzes on percentages and oral calculations with me


We plan to read the story:

and focus on similar story writing - picture/photograph style with minimal action. Unfortunately, I had to leave the story for Ana to read when I was gone and she never got to it. It will be our family reading. 

Changes in education:

Ana has been accepted to mid Kent programme. So at the end of March she also had to do assessment paper for mid Kent and I had to participate in several zoom meetings. Ana is starting school from 17th of April. 

Mental health:

Ana is referred to NELFT for mental health as school nursing team felt she needs more professional support. 

At present

We are not doing much studying as Ana is preparing to start at mid Kent from next Monday. She uses time to catch up on her own projects prior to being busy with more structured studies. 


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