
very delayed home education update

 We delayed this update because I was still traveling to Vilnius to support my little family here - there was a traditional 40 days celebration of life and end of the mourning period and I had to stay with my family. Then there was family, Ana's therapy sessions and many other events, so I had no time to write this update.  Maths: x We looked through exam paper and did a revision of some of the mistakes she made x We focused on percentages this time, Ana did this paper: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ x Reading material: also  x she also did quizzes on percentages and oral calculations with me English We plan to read the story: and focus on similar story writing - picture/photograph style with minimal action.

Learning, 14th of March

 Maths: Revised multiplication of decimals. Used amazing quiz from here: Also discussed some of the problems Ana didn't understand in the AQA maths paper. Discussed: multiplication of negative numbers, addition of fractions, percentages, triangle and straight angles. English: Started a new book on writing: Read the first chapter about short stories did a writing exercise on nature and senses. The exercise: The musky sweet scent was exaggerated by the heat of the sun, attracting the delicate butterfly to the hot pink lily. The colourful surroundings of the flourishing lily flower gave off  refreshing taste of clean air as it let the flower dance and sway in the air. The butterfly moved with the wind softly letting itself to settle for only a moment on the curved petals of the flower until a gust of wind pushed it to move forw

home education - how it went from 3rd to 13th of March :)

 I was away from the country between 2nd to 9th of March. Ana was working at her AQA math paper and art projects.  The paper we did: Maths: The paper gives me better idea of what she still remembers from school. For English Ana wrote a sketch that we might develop into a story: Ever since he gained consciousness, he was fascinated by the fake sky above him. The visualized clouds, simulated moon. It never made sense to him- not questioning it left him with an uneasy feeling. Was there a time when the sky was real and unreachable? Were there clouds you could touch instead of flickering colours on a screen? He wouldn’t know.  One night he could not see the stars like he did before. He could not see anything in the fog. It felt like his body was being eaten alive by the freezing snow that night. Though the cold was unbearable, Iroha had to keep moving with his little sister clinging onto his back. Her eyes falling into a

Home education summary of the week

 We are still less productive than I like to be due to bereavement and support we have to give to our family abroad. Also, Ana has been sick earlier this week and I let her rest as she was getting better. In general, we are still working with decimals. Ana did exercises on rounding, multiplication and division. We used material from bitesize and education quizzes. Report summary: quiz from bitesize: For English Ana is working on a writing piece, but she is not ready to let me publish it.  She also carries on with quizzes on education quizzes. I bought her a book to help her to improve writing, we will work with it from next week. For art Ana was exploring art by a modern Japanese artist Tetsuo Takahara.  Pinterest link here: We had first assessment appointment with School Health Nurses. She got tired quickly and was feeling unwell, but overall she managed to push through the appointment. Next appointment is
 The painting Ana worked at during half term:
We had a very difficult and eventful February, so I am behind on the blog. Summary of events and study opportunities:  In Math we focused on fractions and decimals, we tracked back to KS3 to revise the basics: We will do division and multiplication of decimals next and then move on to GSCE questions on decimals/fractions/percentages. In English we finished on the "Playground". We discussed how the author used weather to create the mood and move forward the plot of the story.  Plan for English now: x next story x encourage Ana to write at least 200 words every day x continue quizzes on "Education Quizzes" for GCSE x start a workbook on writing  We also improved Ana's bedroom and Ana built her flatpack desk with some support from me :). Now she has more desk space away from computer. During the half term holidays Ana stayed at home with her dad and elder brothers and I took her younger siblings to see grandparents in Lithuania. Sadly, on the 2nd day of half term A

more art - the golden cat
