Learning, 14th of March


Revised multiplication of decimals. Used amazing quiz from here: 


Also discussed some of the problems Ana didn't understand in the AQA maths paper. Discussed:

multiplication of negative numbers, addition of fractions, percentages, triangle and straight angles.


Started a new book on writing:


Read the first chapter about short stories

did a writing exercise on nature and senses.

The exercise:

The musky sweet scent was exaggerated by the heat of the sun, attracting the delicate butterfly to the hot pink lily. The colourful surroundings of the flourishing lily flower gave off  refreshing taste of clean air as it let the flower dance and sway in the air. The butterfly moved with the wind softly letting itself to settle for only a moment on the curved petals of the flower until a gust of wind pushed it to move forward for its next destination, leaving the garden lily in its lonesome. Would it hear the flutter of the insect’s  wings again? Or could that have been the last of its gentle rest while the wind felt generous? It wondered how many flowers and petals it would pass through until it would eventually come back to the very same one again. A yearning feeling for affection as it only continued lightly swaying with the wind under the sun's constant and everlasting heat.


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